Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Video Transcription

My Reflection
For this activity I had to write down every that happens this in video.
I think I did really well because I am not usually up to writing down everything that happens if that      makes sense!😆
I Feel surprised because I didn't know I would be able to finish this in less than 1 block!
The most challenging thing was when the video kind of started to lag so it was really hard to understand what was happening! 

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Measurement Scavenger Hunt!

My Reflection 
For this activity we had to predict what the measurement was for something and then measure the actual length.
I found this activity really fun and simple although when we had to measure something that 100 metors. that is when it got harder!
I loved this activity and I hope I can do it again!